Matthew Saddoris
Class: Level 2 Writer, Level 12 Snake Oil Salesman
Favored Spell: Summon Motivation
Skills: Extensive knowledge of Star Wars lore
Equipment: A mediocre laptop, a 6-Pack of Summit, and his trusty dice bag
Bio: Born in the depths of Western Wisconsin, Matt was fated to find his nerd nirvana as he journeyed to La Crosse, WI for college. Having grown up without much else around, Matt devoured movies, books, games, and anything that would whisk him away to another place. Movies were his true love, but lacking money for a camera and friends with acting talent, he sat down and began to write down stories of epic fantasy and scifi. In school he found his group of fellow tabletop adventurers and set out on journeys across lands both great and made-up. During the day Matt works in the thrilling world of merchandising, but at night he writes with an obsession only know to Gollum. Notable story tellers of inspiration to Matt include Jim Butcher, Pearl S. Buck, George RR Martin, George Lucas, Kevin Smith, Christopher Nolan, and Chuck Palahniuk. His one true love - besides his lovely and supportive wife - is Star Wars. #FanBoy4Life
Devin Novakovic
- Class: Level 10 Game Master, Level 5 Archaeologist
- Favored Weapons: Trowel and a red pen
- Skills: The ability to dig perfectly square holes and quote Monty Python simultaneously
- Equipment: Legendary library
- Bio: Born and raised in Northern Wisconsin, Devin developed a love of reading at a early age. Eagerly devouring every book he came across, Devin soon found himself lost in the creative landscape of his imagination. As he grew older he discovered the writings of the J.R.R. Tolkien, Frank Herbert, Issac Asimov, Terry Pratchett, and Stephen Burst to name but a few and by the time he graduated high school he was as well read and socially awkward as a nerd could be. While attending college to become a real life Indiana Jones Devin discovered Dungeons & Dragons, which allowed him to put his many years of nerdliness to good use. Combining his knowledge of anthropology, history, and high fantasy, Devin was able to craft immersive worlds filled with a multitude of different cultures and belief systems that kept his players on their toes and always wanting more. Today you can most likely find him digging for artifacts in the middle of nowhere already planning the next adventure.
Matthew Sargent
- Class: Level 7 Illustrator, Level 2 Fictional Cartographer
- Favored Spell: CTRL+Z
- Skills: +12 Perception, +7 One-Liners, +10 Roadtripping
- Equipment: Wacom Cintiq 22HD graphics tablet, Photoshop, and a mini-fridge full of caffeine
- Bio: Illustrator, Cartoonist, Adventurer.
- Website: